Metahumans - Sequencer

Combine Metahuman body and face animation assets in Sequencer


Texture Pool Tip

If you get a warning about your Texture Pool, enter the following command into the Unreal Command Line at the bottom of your screen:
r.TextureStreaming = "2000"
NOTE: The number may need to be higher than 2000 depending on how many textures you have in your level.
NOTE 2: This is a temporary setting that will need to be reapplied the next time you launch the editor.

  1. Drag the Blueprint of your Metahuman into your level from the Content Browser.

  2. Right click in your Content Browser to create a new Level Sequence. Double click this new Sequence to open it in Sequencer.

  3. From the World Outliner tab, drag your Metahuman into Sequencer.

  4. Delete all animation/rows under "Face" and "Body".

  5. Click the "+" symbols next to "Face" and "Body" and select the animation assets you would like to use.

  6. Start simulation of your Level and click the play button in Sequencer to see your animation!

  7. You will likely notice errors in your animation. Check out Frankenstein Learning's Help Page for tips on how to resolve some common issues.

  8. Go to Help

Animation Tip

Once in Sequencer, facial animation can be baked to the Control Rig to allow for adjustments to the animation. To do so:
Right click on the "Face" track --> select "Bake to Control Rig" --> Select "Face_ControlBoard_CrtlRig"